Scope of Homoeopathy in Acute Conjunctivitis in Children

Author: Dr.Rajkumar  S. Patil[1], Dr. Mrs . Sujata  R.  Kamire[2], Dr.Raviraj  K. Kumbhar[3]

[1]Principal & Professor  of  Dept. of  HMM

SJPES’S Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital.

[2]Professor & HOD, Dept. of MEDICINE

SJPES’S Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital.

[3]Professor & HOD, Dept. of  PAEDIATRICS

SJPES’S Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital.

Address for correspondence:

Dr.Rajkumar  S. Patil

SJPES’S Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Kolhapur, Maharashtra 416 003, India.

Cell no 9420778964



In a prospective study carried out to ascertain Scope of Homoeopathy in Acute Conjunctivitis, ninety-two cases were studied. As the immunity in children is low and the susceptibility in children is higher, hence children are more frequently attacked by the Acute Conjunctivitis. Homoeopathy has vast scope for the acute conditions. And it was seen that within a week maximum cases were treated successfully. The result shows that out of ninety two cases, eighty-nine cases recovered and its percentage is 96.14% & remaining three cases have not recovered. Thus we may conclude that Homoeopathy works instantly in acute conjunctivitis of children. The efficiency of Homoeopathy in the treatment of acute conjunctivitis in children is excellent and shows high success rate of eighty-nine out of ninety-two patients responding successfully to the treatment with no sign of recurrence in near future.

Key words: Scope, Homoeopathy, acute , conjunctivitis, children.


Homoeopathy has an immense scope in treating the acute conditions affected in children. The constitutional remedy should not be given during acute stage of disease, as it might prove hazardous. In acute stage of disease remedy should be selected only on the basis of acute totality .The acute totality includes the fixed generals expressed prior to or during the acute disease and uncommon characteristic symptoms. To know the uncommon peculiar characteristics symptoms the physician should have the knowledge of disease because all disease symptoms are common symptoms. Therefore, the acute totality is the sum total of characteristic particulars and altered generals. The constitutional medicine should be prescribed only after the acute crisis is overcome with the help of acute medicines in order to facilitate the individual to leave a quick uneventful convalescence.

A correct constitutional remedy is the best preventive against all infections. It is the fundamental in action. It is the perfect simillimum when it covers the totality of symptoms and other individualizing factors such as past and family history of the patient. Thus selected constitutional remedy is the most appropriate curative remedy. Constitutional medicines are useful in overcoming chronic diseases which have a constitutional basis. It removes the disease or disease tendency from the root and helps the child to adapt it’s maximum to the environment and helps the child to live with ease and comfort throughout its life.

For anyone dealing with health problems in children, homeopathy offers some excellent benefits. Most common problems experienced by the children  are fever, acute conjunctivitis,  cough & cold, dysentery & diarrohea, colic, insomnia, teething problems and vomiting. Hence the children affected with acute conjunctivitis is considered for the research.

Homoeopathy is advantageous over other systems of medicine in the cases of Eye problems.  Since it proves the ability to prevent and control the progress of the disease. The earlier the beginning of treatment, the better is the chance for complete recovery.

To ascertain the totality of symptoms for selection of medicine in each case, the etiological factors, mental & physical generals, concomitants, characteristic particulars, and miasmatic background is taken into consideration. After analysis & evaluation of symptoms we arrive at a definite conclusion of psora is the basic taint responsible for present manifestations. Because inflammation of conjunctiva is basically caused due to a Bacterial or viral infection, Allergic reactions & Chemical Irritations. And symptoms presented by the patients were all functional, the “Pink-eye” can occur in any age either in the form of individual, Epidemic, or Endemic Disease.

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