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-A UGC Approved Journal-
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Homeopathy is a form of medicine based on treating like with like. Its popularity with the public and credibility with health professionals has increased rapidly as a result of clinical trials demonstrating its efficacy. To improve homeopathic practice the results of these clinical trials should be disseminated. 

Advancements in Homeopathic Research – a Print Quarterly Homeopathic Research Journal brings to light the results of latest research work, clinical studies and studies done at personal levels to the people as well as Homeopathic physicians around the world.

Advancements in Homeopathic Research aims to promote and publish research work in homeopathy and make it available to the masses at large.

The journal provides:

-Latest research work on homoeopathy

-Documented evidence of efficacy of homoeopathic treatment in treating many diseases

-A platform for dissemination of information on latest research and clinical trials

-A wider and proper dissemination of research information.

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A Quarterly Research Journal which Strengthens Homeopathy through Research

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A Quarterly Research Journal which Strengthens Homeopathy through Research

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Hepatoprotective Activity of Homeopathic Formulation AlphaTM-Liv Drops in Rat Model
Dr. Rohit Bhardwaj1, Dr. Satyendra Kumar Rajput1, Dr. Swati Madan2, Dr. Harsha Kharkwal3, Dr. Snigdha Suman Dalua4, Dr. Poorva Tiwari4, Dr. Ramachandran Valavan4

Development and Validation of a Scale to Clinically Assess Overall Hair and Scalp Condition – A Pilot Study
Dr. Yogeshwari Gupta, Dr. Anshul Chahar, Dr. Samridhi Sharma

Psoralea Corylifolia Conservation by Tissue Culture and Enhancement of Secondary Metabolites with Homoeopathy: A Narrative Review
Dr. Rutuja Madhukar Salekar, Dr. Ajay Gajanan Namdeo, Dr. Neelambika Tippanna Meti, Dr. Chetan Hanamantrao Shinde

Evaluation of Effect of Homoeopathic Mother Tincture of Tinospora Cordifolia in STZ Induced Diabetic Nephropathy in Rats
Dr. Kumar Vivekanand, Dr. Amiya Nand Dev Goswani

Chronic Kidney Disease: A Case Series (Part 4)
Dr. Girish Gupta, Dr. Naveen Gupta, Dr. Dileep Pandey, Dr. Gaurang Gupta

Ensuring Meticulousness of Homeopathic Pharmacy for Accuracy in Medicinal Plant Identification and Collection through Critical Taxonomical Intervention
Dr. Varsha Umesh Ghate, Dr. Anupam Mukherjee, Dr. Suresh Jagtap

A Single Blind Parallel Arm Randomized Placebo Controlled Clinical Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Homoeopathic Medicines with Physiotherapy in Cases of Chronic Low Back Pain of Musculoskeletal Origin
Dr. Anjana Kumari, Dr. Ruchi Singh, Dr. Heena Rawal

The Impact of Homoeopathy on Thyroid Health : A Case Series
Dr. Rajendra Acharya, Dr. Neeta Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Kumawat, Dr. Iitika Khatri

Utility of Lesser known Homoeopathic Medicines: In Current Trends Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Dr. Niharika Jain, Dr. Neeta Jain, Dr. Amit Jain

Research abstracts that can be useful
Dr. R. Valavan