Role of Tarentula in Autism Spectrum Disorder- A Case Report

Role of Tarentula in Autism Spectrum Disorder- A Case Report

(Advancements in Homeopathic Research, Vol. 9 No.3, August 2024-October 2024, Date of Publication 2024/08/01, Pages no. 47-51 ISSN : 2456-3668 (Print) // EISSN : 2583-5661 (Online) DOI : 10.48165/ ahr.2024.9.3.9)

Veena Dubey1, Anita Sardar Patil2
1Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Homoeopathic Repertory, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Pune, India
2Head of Department, Dept. of Homoeopathic Repertory, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital Pune, India

Corresponding Author
Dr. Anita Sardar Patil
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Pune, India
Bharati Vidyapeeth Educational Campus, Pune – Satara Road, Pune – 411043, Maharashtra, India.

Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition with limited treatment options. This case series explores the potential of homeopathic Tarentula in managing ASD symptoms.

Method: Two cases of moderate ASD (ISAA scores 132 and 151) were treated with Tarentula 200C for 1 year. Monthly follow-ups assessed progress using ISAA scores, caregiver reports, and clinical observations.

Result: Both cases showed significant improvement. Case 1 (ISAA 132) achieved non-autistic status (ISAA 44) after 12 months. Case 2 (ISAA 151) achieved non-autistic status (ISAA 65) after 12 months. Caregivers reported satisfaction with the treatment.

Conclusion: This case series suggests a potential role for Tarentula in improving ASD symptoms, particularly in moderate cases. However, further well-designed research is needed for stronger evidence. Key Words: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Homoeopathy, Tarentula, Indian Scale for Assessment of Autism.

ISSN – 2456-3668 (P) * EISSN – 2583-5661 (O) * Vol. 9 No.3, August 2024-October 2024 (pp.47-51) DOI : 10.48165/ahr. 2024.9.3.9