Utility of Phatak’s Repertory in Acute Cases

Utility of Phatak’s Repertory in Acute Cases: An Open Observational Clinical Trial

(Advancements in Homeopathic Research, Vol. 6 No. 1, February 2021-April 2021, Date of Publication 2021/02/1, Pages no. 49-57)

Jain Surbhi 1, Bidwalkar Sameer 2

1Research Associate (Homoeopathy), Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi.

2 Dean, Faculty, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur. Head, Department of Repertory, Dr. Madan Pratap Khunteta Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Surbhi Jain

61-65, Sewa Marg, Opp ‘D’ Block, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058.

Email id: drsurbhijain1988@gmail.com


Context: In Homoeopathic parlance, Phatak’s Repertory is considered as a useful tool for accurate prescribing in acute cases, there is a need to validate this perception.

Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the utility of Phatak’s repertory in acute cases.

Methods:  An open-label, prospective, observational, non-controlled clinical trial was conducted at Dr. Madan Pratap Khunteta Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre and Homoeopathy University Hospital, Jaipur with approval of the institutional ethics committee. The follow-up of the patients was done as per gravity of the case. Per Protocol analysis of the outcomes was done using four point grading scale – marked, mild improvement, status quo and worse. Remedies were prescribed in consultation with Phatak’s repertory following homoeopathic principles.

Results: Fifty four subjects were enrolled and only fifty patients completed the trial, which were analysed per protocol (n = 50). Majority of patients (n = 41, 82%) reported marked improvement, few patients (n = 3, 6%) reported mild improvement, while only 10% were status quo and 2% fell in worse category. Pulsatilla nigricans, Nux Vomica, Rhus toxicodendron and Sepia (n = 5 each, 10%) were prescribed frequently. 105 rubrics in respect of 26 remedies in 18 diseases were validated.

Conclusion: Phatak’s repertory is indeed a useful tool for efficient and quick acute prescribing. Since acute diseases have self-limiting course, the outcomes need to be further validated with large sample size and another comparative group or using pragmatic trials.

Keywords: Acute cases, Dr. S. R. Phatak, Homoeopathy, Phatak’s repertory, Repertory.

Short Title: Utility of Phatak’s repertory in acute cases.