Role of Homoeopathy in Cases of Cervical Polyp

Author: Dr. Girish Gupta[1], Dr. Richa Singh[2], Dr. Asha Rani[3]

[1]Chief Consultant,

Gaurang Clinic & Centre for Homoeopathic Research,

[2]Senior Consultant,

Gaurang Clinic & Centre for Homoeopathic Research,


Gaurang Clinic & Centre for Homoeopathic Research,

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Girish Gupta

Gaurang Clinic & Centre for Homoeopathic Research,

B-1/41, Sector-A, Near Novelty Cinema (Aliganj), Kapoorthala, Aliganj,

Lucknow-24, UP, India,

No.: 0522-4004370, 2326464,


Key words: Cervix, Cervical polyp, Homoeopathic medicines.


The cervical polyp is most common benign lesion of cervix which arises from endocervix rather than ectocervix [2]. They may be sessile, hemispheric masses or pedunculated, spherical lesions up to 3cm in diameter. Those with long stalk may be seen on clinical examination, hanging down through the exocervical os and causing dilatation of cervix. Although polyps are common, occurring in 2 to 5% of adult females, they are innocuous, occasionally being important as a cause of abnormal bleeding that must be differentiated from that due to more ominous causes. About 1% of cervical polyp will show neoplastic change which may lead to cancer. The cause of cervical polyp is uncertain but may be due to hyper-oestrinism, chronic irritation by infection or localized vascular congestion. They are most common in pre-menopausal women and rarely in premenstrual girls and postmenopausal women [3][4]. Patient is mostly asymptomatic but sometimes they produce symptom which include irregular uterine bleeding either pre or postmenopausal or contact bleeding if polyp is situated outside the cervix [3][5][6].

It can be detected by gynaecologist during routine pelvic examination by speculum, hysteroscopy ultrasonography and Hysterosalpingography.


It is evident from our previous clinical studies that Homoeopathic medicines are effective to resolve Uterine fibroids, Ovarian cysts, T-O masses and Nabothian cysts. This short clinical study was planned to explore the role of homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of cervical polyp.


Out of 23 diagnosed cases of various Cervical Lesions, 5 cases of Cervical Polyp have been treated with homoeopathic medicines on holistic basis at Gaurang Clinic and Centre for Homoeopathic Research, Lucknow. Diagnosis and periodic assessment by per-vaginal examination and pelvic ultrasonography followed by holistic treatment have given encouraging results. All the cases resolved with well indicated homoeopathic medicines like Calcarea carb, Sulphur and Silicea.

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