Hahnemann’s Concept of Posology and its Utility

Author: Dr. Sandip S. Narwadkar[1], Dr. Manjusha A. Joshi[2], Dr. Shivaji H. Chavan[3], Dr. Bharat N. Yeole[4], Dr.  Sameera Kazi[5], Dr. Pratibha Patil[6]


P.D. Jain Hom. Med. College, Parbhani (M S)

[2]Head of Department, H. Pharmacy & PG – Coordinator

P.D. Jain Hom. Med. College, Parbhani (M S)

[3]Reader, Dept. of H.M.M.

P.D. Jain Hom. Med.College, Parbhani

[4]Lecturer, Dept. of Repertory

P.D. Jain Hom. Med.College, Parbhani

[5]Lecturer, Dept. of Organon

P.D. Jain Hom. Med.College, Parbhani

[6]Lecturer , Dept. of H.M.M.

P.D. Jain Hom. Med.College, Parbhani

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Sandip S. Narwadkar

P.D. Jain Hom. Med.College, Parbhani


Abstract :- The Homoeopathic Science is the Science of determining and understanding of dose as based on research into large number of factors. We have tried our sincere efforts & humble attempts to focus on concept of Posology.

Introduction :- Development of concept of Posology is from 4th to 6th edition of Organon of Medicine.

The History of homoeopathic dose & their repetition comes since 1796, when Dr. Hahnemann discover the curative, properties of cinchona bark. The concept of homoeopathic posology has continually been renewed & argumented over time. We have to study the evolution of the posology through clinical observation & careful experimentation.

Basic  principle of Homoeopathic Posology  is based on the trinity of the principle of the single simple remedy, minimum dose & minimum intervention. Dr. Hahnemannn explained  his views regarding it in different editions of Organon  of Medicine in following way.

  1. In IVth edition aphoresms No. 240 to 245 he explained about principles of minimum intervention.
  2. In Vth edition in aph. 269 he wanted to improve the single dose unit, wait & watch method especially in chronic diseases.

3.       In VIth edition of Organon of Medicine  Dr. Hahnemann was not completely satisfied  with the medicinal solution of centesimal potencies especially in weak sensitive constitutions with chronic  miasmatic diseases.

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