Application of Repertory in Management of Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. (Type – II)

Author: Dr.  D .G .Bagal[1],  Dr. Uttara  Agale[2]

[1]Professor, Dept of  Repertory.

Vice- Principal, Ymthmc, Navi Mumbai

Chairman and Member of Board of  Studies,

P.G. Homoeopathic Subject Board, M.U.H.S. Nashik.

Member  Academic Council,  Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik

[2]Assistant Professor, Dept of Repertory

Y.M.T. H.M.C, Navi Mumbai

Address for correspondence:

Dr.  D .G .Bagal

Ymthmc, Navi Mumbai

Keywords:-Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, Repertory.


The term diabetes mellitus refer to a group of metabolic disorders characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia.The advent of homoeopathy and its holistic concept opened a new era in the world of medicine.  The holistic concept of disease takes not only the clinical symptoms of diabetis mellitus into cognizance but also thee biological, social and psychological aspects of man to give the appropriate treatment whereas the holistic concept of cure gives a special meaning to the word cure.


The term diabetes mellitus refer to a group of metabolic disorders characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia.

Sustained hyperglycaemia is associated with complications in the microvasculature, macrovasculature and nerves causing protracted morbidity and premature mortality.

Two main categories of diabetes are distinguished.

Type 1:Formerly known as Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus  (IDDM) or juvenile onset diabetes – usually manifests before adulthood and accounts for about 5 % of all cases.

Type 2: Formerly known as non Insulin dependent diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) or maturity onset diabetes – usually manifests in later adult life and accounts for about 95% of all cases.

Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common form of diabetes on a global scale, accounting for 95% of all cases.  During the past few decades, type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in many parts of the world.

The factors for this steep rise include

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Urbanization
  • Ethnicity
  • Insulin resistance and
  • Central Obesity

Type 2 diabetes with early age onset carries higher risk of heart attacks, 4-5 times for stroke, 5 times for nephropathy and even higher for peripheral vascular disease.

According to WHO report the prevalence of diabetes in adults worldwide has risen and the number will rise from 135 million in 1995 to 300 million by the year 2025.

Epidemiological data in India shows the same upward trend from 33 million diabetes in 2000 to 57 million in 2025.

India has thus become “the Diabetic capital of the world“.

Studies showed higher prevalence rates of type 2 diabetes among migrant Indians in several countries, compared with their native populations and other migrant ethnic groups.

Current prevalence rates are 10-18% in the Urban Indian adult population and there is evidence that prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is increasing in rural population also.

Hyperglycemia contributes to the increased incidence of macrovascular disease but dyslipidaemia, Hypertension; central obesity decreased physical activity and smoking play major role in accelerated atherosclerosis seen in diabetics.

Therefore, the complete treatment of diabetic patients not only includes meticulous attention to achievement of normoglycemia, but also correction of hypertension and dyslipidemia, correction of body weight and increase in physical activity.

The study undertaken explores the problem of diabetes mellitus and integrates the homoeopathic approach with advances registered in Clinico-Pathological field of modern medicine.  The first six aphorisms of the Organon of medicine form the foundation of our study.

The advent of homoeopathy and its holistic concept opened a new era in the world of medicine.  The holistic concept of disease takes not only the clinical symptoms of diabetis mellitus into cognizance but also thee biological, social and psychological aspects of man to give the appropriate treatment whereas the holistic concept of cure gives a special meaning to the word cure

Cure means not just relieving the clinical symptoms of the disease but the removal of the whole of the perceptible signs and symptoms, the totality of symptoms and annihilation of the morbid derangement of the vital force.

Totality of symptoms is the unique feature of homoeopathy.  Life is invisible in itself and only cognizable by perceptible sensations  and functions of the organism, either in health or in disease.  Disease is nothing but altered life, the derangement of vital dynamics, which makes itself known only by perceptible signs and symptoms, the totality of which constitutes disease. It is outwardly reflected picture of the internal essence of the disease i.e. the effect of the vital force.  So the totality of symptoms constitute the true and conceivable portrait of the disease which helps in individualizing the patient as well as the remedy.  The removal of them is cure.

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