A Case of Inferlity with PCOD Treated with Noninvasive Homoeopathy

Author: Dr. Amiya Goswami[1], Dr.Padmalaya Rath[2]

[1]Principal, Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homoeopathic Medical College Udaipur

Address for correspondence

Dr. Amiya Goswami

Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homoeopathic Medical College Udaipur


Background: Infertility is medically defined as –”the inability to conceive after multiple sustained attempts of unprotected intercourse for at least 2years. The most common cause of medically treatable infertility is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).” Polycysc ovary syndrome (PCOS) aûects 8-10 percent of reproducve-aged females, making it the most common state of endocrine dysfuncon in women. Paents with PCOS are o en treated for the signs and symptoms of the condion without consideraon for the underlying syndrome, causing frustraon for many aûected paents. However these cases present with many complicaons and found to be incurable in contemporary system and treatment is also very costly; a case of PCOS with inferlity treated at Central Research Instute (Homoeopathy), NOIDA, with constuonal homoeopathic medicine is presented. The case was followed up over a period of 1.5 years with marked improvement which is evident from regularity of menstrual cycle, from the USG reports, other biochemical tests and successful delivery of a female child.

Methods: A single clinical case of PCOS with secondary inferlity in a 24 year married female was treated on the lines of individualized homoeopathic treatment. USG and other hormonal assessments were done to record changes in the condion.

Results : The 2year old case of PCOS with secondary inferlity in which female improved remarkably with single homoeopathic medicine Pulsalla and the symptoms of PCOS did not recur in last 2 year with delivery of a female child 1year back.

Conclusion: Homoeopathy can take care of chronic problems in an individual, where hormonal treatment is advised. Non- recurrence of complaints since 2 year suggests permanent cure is achievable through individualized homoeopathic treatment.

Key words: Secondary inferlity, polycysc ovary syndrome; homoeopathy; hirsusm, hyperandrogenism, polycysc ovaries

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 60 to 80 million couples worldwide currently suffer from infertility1

Infertility varies across regions of the world and is estimated to affect 8 to 12 per cent of couples worldwide2,3

Infertility tends to be highest in countries with high fertility rates, an occurrence termed “barrenness amid plenty4

The WHO estimates the overall prevalence of primary infertility in India to be between 3.9 and 16.8 per cent1

The most common cause of medically treatable infertility is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCO). A prospective observational study was conducted at Muhammad Medical College for three years from 2005 to 2008 to see the frequency and outcome of treatment in PCOs related infertility in infertile couples coming to Mohammad Medical College Hospital, Mirpurkhas, Sindh.

Total 1289 infertile couples were included in this study. The frequency of PCOs in female related infertility was 38.5%. Other causes of female infertility were in the frequency of 44% pelvic inflammatory disease, 12.3% endometriosis, 2.9% hyperprolactenemia, and 1.35% hypothyroidism.

In one-third of all cases of ferlity, the male is directly responsible; in one-third both the pares are at responsible, and in the remaining third, failure is a ributed enrely to the female. Women, who are able to get pregnant, but then have repeated miscarriages, are also said to be Inferle.

The primary reason for inferlity in women is anovulaon, or lack of ovulation (release of eggs from the ovary). The major cause of anovulaon is a condion called polycysc ovary disease, or PCOS.

Inferlity is not a disease, but a derangement- a condion where the couple is unable to conceive. The paent may have tried the help of Assisted Reproducve Treatment, starng from simple medicaon to expensive and invasive procedures, IVF, ICSI, PGD etc. These can lead to anything from derangement in the normal physiology, to gross irreversible pathology, leading to iatrogenic complicaons. Those most commonly aûected are in the age group between 20 to 45 years.

Following is a case of Primary Inferlity with treated successfully with homoeopathy.

A lady 24 yrs working in IT company at Noida, visited to CRI(H), Noida , opd on 4.5.13 with the following complaints.

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