Prof. A.R. Khuda-Bukhsh

Google Scholar Information-H-Index : 39 ; i10 index: 154; Citations – 5207; ResearchGate- Publications  recorded-351; Read: 29617; impact points: 380.63; RG score: 41.33 profile higher than 97.5% members, Biomedtalk score: 120.7  approx.

Prof. A.R. Khuda-Bukhsh, Ph.D., is former Head, Deptt. of Zoology, University of Kalyani, and Retired Professor and  Emeritus of University Grants Commission, Govt. of India, at  University of Kalyani.

  • Born: 26th September, 1948.
  • A faculty member at University of Kalyani, Deptt. of Zoology, since 1st April, 1975, retired as Professor of Zoology, on 30th September, 2013. Served as Emeritus Fellow of UGC from 21.4.2014 to 20.04.16
  • Main field of research: fish and aphid cytogenetics, antimutagenesis, toxicology and radiation biology, pharmaceutical studies etc. But his main interests are on – cancer cytogenetics, and testing anti-cancer and anti-diabetic potentials of various plant extracts mainly used as homeopathic mother tinctures. Also works on the efficacy of bioactive components isolated from the homeopathic mother tinctures or some other medicinal plant extracts. His other focus is pointed at increasing drug bioavailability by loading drugs with biodegradable nanoparticles. His group is the first to test and report nano-encapsulated homeopathic drugs to have enhanced anti-cancer potentials. He also led the first group who observed the ability of certain homeopathic mother tinctures to precipitate silver nanoparticles from silver nitrate solution. His team works on both in vivo and in vitro He works on molecular mechanism and pathways of action of potentized homeopathic drugs; his works on arsenic toxicity and homeopathic remediation highly acclaimed. His team produced nano insulin and studied its biological action.
  • Published more than 350 research papers, reviews and book chapters in Indian and International peer-reviewed journals of repute. On research related to homeopathy over one hundred twenty papers so far published. Gene regulatory hypothesis and homeopathic nano-medicines of special significance.
  • Guided doctoral research of 51D. students so far for their Ph.D. degrees from University of Kalyani, out of which 32 worked on homeopathy and cancer research topics (others on fish and aphid cytogenetics and toxicology).
  • Widely travelled (USA, Mexico, UK, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Dubai ), and presented research papers in many countries, chaired many scientific sessions in many National and International Conferences, Symposia and Seminars.
  • Received international Je Ma award from Korean Society of Pharmacopuncture for outstanding research paper presented in Stockholm, in 2013, Best Paper Awards for presenting paper in Seoul international conferences in Sydney and Seoul in 2012 and 2010, respectively and also received Travel Grant Awards (Air Ticket and Accommodation for presentation of paper in Sydney in 2012 and in Dunedin, New Zealand in 2015) apart from a few awards in India in recognition of our homeopathic research .
  • Member: several national and international scientific bodies, editorial boards of journals and acted as reviewers of many foreign International and Indian journals.
  • Fellow of Inland Fisheries Society of India
  • Handled many scientific projects- national (ICAR, UGC, CSIR, AYUSH, DOE, etc.) and international (Rayne Institute, UK, and Boiron Lab, France).
  • Member/Ex-Member: Project Evaluation Committees of UGC, UGC-NERO, CCRH/AYUSH etc, Research Advisory Committees of ICAR: NBFGR, Lucknow, CICFRI, Barrackpore, Govt. of India, etc.
  • Homeopathy research works included in international documentary film “The Devil’s Water” shown in several European and American TV and News channels to viewers estimated to be a few million people ;
  • News on his research contributions and Interviews published in renowned Dailies (The Statesman, The Telegraph, The Hindustan Times, The Hindu, and many Bengali Dailies etc) international magazines (New Scientist, American Homeopath, Nature India, Down-to-Earth etc) and broadcast and telecast (BBC news, All India Radio, Doordarshan, etc.). Research work on homeopathy and other bio-medical streams cited in Wikipedia (free Encylopedia) by individual name.
  • Excerpts of some of his published research papers translated and published in several European and Asian languages. Summary of his research works during the last three and a half decades is being translated in German and  published in August issue  of 2017 in Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung, a renowned German Homeopathic magazine established in 1813 and still continuing.
  • His name is mentioned among the distinguished Muslim Scientists of India covering all disciplines (after freedom) and also among the top Muslim Medical Doctors (Researchers) of India.
  • Received “Life Time Achievement Award” in recognition of distinguished and devoted service in the field of homeopathic research” from European Committee for Homeopathy on 18th November , 2016 in the famous Town Hall of Vienna, during the 16th European Congress of Homeopathy Conference held from 17th to 19th November, 2016.
  • Received “Life Time Achievement Award-2016” from the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, in Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi on 10th April, 2017.
  • Name included in the list of distinguished Indian Zoologists of the 20th Century by Wikipedia ( )
  • Name included in the list of Top 10 famous Indian Zoologists (  )

