Effectiveness of Homoeopathic Individualized Treatment in Reversing Alopecia Areata – A Case Report

Author: B.S.Bhosale[1], Arun Bhasme[2], Amiya Goswami[3]

[1]MD, PHD Scholar

[2]Principal Sonajirao Kshrisagar Homeopathic Medical College, Beed, Maharashtra.

[3]Dean Faculty of Medicine, J.R.Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University, Udaipur.

Address for correspondence-

Dr B.S. Bhosale

Asha Homoeopathic Clinic, Near Bank of India, Shiviji Road, Miraj Dist., Sangli, Maharashtra




Alopecia totalis is a skin condition that causes hair loss. It isn’t the same as localized alopecia areata. Localized alopecia areata causes round patches of hair loss on the scalp, but alopecia totalis causes complete baldness of the scalp. Other than the absence of hair, there are usually no other visible symptoms. The exact cause of Alopecia areata is unknown.

Method-A single chronic clinical case of Alopecia areata was treated with an individualised homeopathic treatment, without aid of conservative treatment.

Result- The patient recovered remarkably with Homeopathic therapy.

Interpretation-Homeopathy has and hope in treating alopecia areata where conservative treatment failed to give positive results.

Conclusion-Homeopathic therapy was observed to treat and reverse the alopecia in a patient, which is routinely treated with corticosteroids, with a gentle approach .